Spiders, spiders, spiders! Everywhere I look there are spiders! Not helping my phobia! So last Monday, I wash all of my clothes because it's P-day. Hang them out Monday night and go to sleep. Tuesday I wake up, not feeling well so tell sister Woessner that it's a maxi skirt day today. Go to the closet. Touch it. Jump and squeal onto my bed. I jumped probably 12-15 feet at once! It was huge! Sister Woessner looked to try and find it. Not there. Moved the skirts around a little then she sees it and realizes I'm not making it up. She admits it's huge and tries to go find Brother Rice (the dad in the house). No luck. So she comes back and takes the skirt carefully outside and destroys it. In Sister Woessner word's, "I am David, and I just killed Goliath!" Seriously don't know what I'd do without her! To conclude the story, I washed all my laundry again (only touching clothes with gloves) and have not worn that skirt again. Don't know if I ever will.
Gave a talk yesterday in Sacrament meeting. Topic was Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself, which can spread out to almost anything. So I talked about service, forgiving others and forgiving ourselves. Overall, happy with how the talk went. Really missed my normal situation though. Usually I will type a talk and copy/paste quotes and scriptures in it so it's just one paper. However, I don't have a computer. So go up to the pulpit with part of my farewell talk, Gospel Principle manual, scriptures, 2 ensigns, notebook paper, and my journal. Felt odd getting situated. So if you have to give a talk soon, be grateful for technology to help pull it together. But I got to the part of my talk where I was going to read a scripture about Jesus forgiving others while he was on the cross. I must have written the scripture down wrong, because when I opened to it, I luckily read it in my mind first and realized it was wrong. So blonde moment, but oh well. Just kept going and didn't read it. It was Luke 23:24 that I had written, but has nothing to do with forgiveness or anything I was talking about.
Speaking of Ensigns, if anyone has old church magazines (Ensign, New Era, or Friend) that they can part with...send it on over! Great to read talks from and the friend and new era are awesome for cutting up and making new planners.
Next Monday is transfers. Basically when I might get moved to a new area or get a new companion. Every 6 weeks on Monday is transfers. So I might not be able to email on Monday (probably won't); but Tuesday I will be able to. I have my theories on what is going to happen, but I'll wait to tell until I know.
During this last week, we taught a lot about the Plan of Salvation and the Doctrine of Christ. Really made me realize how simple the church is and it makes so much sense! Sometimes we joke about 'drawing out the plan of salvation', but it really is so simple and answers so many important questions of life. Knowing that we lived with God before coming here to this earth, that we are here to prepare to meet God and to become better people. The God loves us so much, that even after this life everyone can have a chance to hear about the gospel. It's amazing! Also just laying out the specific things that we need to do during this life to have more peace. I didn't realize how simple it all is. But it's so true! By having faith, repenting, being baptized, receiving the holy ghost and enduring to the end, we can be happy. So grateful to know this simple truth!
Sorry for the long email. Still have time to write, but out of topics. Love you all and miss you!
Sister Nielsen
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